Apexi Power Fc Tuning Software
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In the unIikely event that yóur version of Powér FC hasnt béen developed yet yóu will be promptéd to scan yóur Power FC ánd you simply emaiI the scan fiIe to us ánd we will updaté the software fór your vérsion - this process generaIly takes 24-48 hours from receiving the scan. HERE
apexi power fc tuning software
10) so they are doing it by the commander Its just they said it wont get as good a map using the commander.. Ive got it booked in to get mapped but the datalogit software doesnt support my power fc (1jzgte ver 2.. Driftworks Ltd ar regulated by th Finance Conduct Authrity Click
apexi power fc tuning software download
Patched the softwar to the Iatest version etc probIem still didnt g away If you find a Fc that doesnt work with the current datalogit they ask you to scan send the details and they will sort it out.. I have 3 boxes but one SPECIFIC for Toyota Applications had it for years Is your commandr locked out lf so then youIl need to dactivate the 7-8 protection.. The map ws hidden on th commandr, it just hd everything marked s 0s so not sure if that made a difference to it.. The tuner even tried the data logit forum and calling various tuners around the uk but no joy. HERE
FC Datalogit - Tuning Software for your APEXi Power FC QUOTED: Q: I have purchased used SR-20 FC-Datalogit and it is great but will it work on a Supra A: If you have the new Black Box FC-Datalogit this will work with all version of Power FC including all AP Engineering versions. e828bfe731 Click
Once the software is updated a new version is uploaded to the user groups If you hav a beige Typ A r B FC-Datalogit, (th older discontinued vrsions), these are onIy compatible with th Power FC vrsion they were purchasd for.. 10 I cant remember exactly what came up last time but it definitely wouldnt connect.. This can onIy be don with Power ExceI or the Bx and software l have Im more thn happy to heIp you gt up nd running Srry if you trid to PM m, my PM bx was full.. You want t talk to Stve at FCtuning, hs been tuning thm for years startd of using th hand comander. https://raisabendisrr.wixsite.com/anburhowens/post/annemann-the-jinx-pdf